What's in a name?

Gulliver stems from the protagonist 'Gully Foyle' from Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination. Xerxes is in honour of the Persian king 486 to 465 BC. Conroy is Morgan's maternal grandfather's surname.

11 October, 2011

Nine months is a fantastic age to be

Lots and lots of teething going on! We now have the top and bottom two teeth and three more top teeth pushing through. Drool-o-matic! Apart from that life is pretty darn exciting. Lots of snuggles and exploration going on, much to the delight of both parents.

Mortar and camping lantern

Into Ikea with dad

Home with the new wooden train set

Playing with mum at gymboree

Playing in the dirt and leaves

06 October, 2011

Seeking enlightenment

We went to the Institute of Modern Art today. I'm totally intrigued by what sort of art intrigues a baby. So far video installations do not resonate well. But, a sculpture of the buddha was utterly hypnotic.

Gully crawls to the buddha, away from video.

He approached many times. So close, but he could not touch.

On the other hand, 20th century films were fascinating, such as this film of water draining by Peter Roehr Montage Films

Luckily a free street press offered all of the pretty colours to touch and scrunch up. I'd like to commission art jumping castles: Art that can be interacted with.

Rules of parenting #251: When changing baby on the boot of your car, don't suppose that your sock-clad baby isn't capable of clambering up onto the roof! I was laughing until I couldn't stop him! Time for a fast pic before a rescue operation.

Demolishing a well-deserved leg of chicken. Love that chicken skin! The new teeth are making food far more fun to eat.

Our balcony is now approaching baby-safe. Thanks to the hubby for attaching the baby pen walls, it makes life much more relaxed.

Mumma gets a make over

On Saturday I spent a lovely few hours with the Lindy Charm School for Girls getting my hair and make-up done. I paired the looked with a vintage 1950s cotton dress. What a great way to celebrate Gully's 9th month anniversary.

04 October, 2011

GGXC and the jumping castle

GGXC came to visit last week and we had a great time singing and clapping "Russia, Russia, we will make you understand, Russia is a wonderland, ha ha ha ha ha, HEY"--apparently the theme of the Moscow Olympics 1980. All the kids wanted to sing, clap and bounce with GGXC!!! :)

Helicopter Engineer

Gully continues to enjoy adventuring off by himself. Today it was time to tackle the helicopter.

Back at home base on the picnic blanket with the other babies!