What's in a name?

Gulliver stems from the protagonist 'Gully Foyle' from Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination. Xerxes is in honour of the Persian king 486 to 465 BC. Conroy is Morgan's maternal grandfather's surname.

29 August, 2011

Coolum with GGXC

Great times on the weekend with GGXC. Coolum was raining on Saturday, but we had a gorgeous Sunday to offer some contrast. Gully really loves going on adventures to new places. Robust little fella!

 Spoon billed water bird (not sure what type!)


I just love eating food on the grass with Gully. Who cares for messy clothes when life is this entertaining, right?

25 August, 2011

Trip to Sydney

On the weekend Gully and mum headed to Sydney for Leo's baby shower. Highlights of the trip included Marackville train station where multiple freight trains and passenger trains whooshed past us as we sat in the sun. Morgs noted that Gully looks a bit like great-gran Pat in this pic. :)

There was also a delicious traffic cone in the kitchen. Why don't we have one of these? 

Plus grass, dirt and herbs to taste. Nom nom nom. Local delicacies! 

15 August, 2011

Defiant First Birthday Celebration

Defiant Development is Morgan & Dan's games company. We had their 1st birthday on Sunday afternoon, which was great fun for everyone. Gully was a super-star. What good times.

Family snapshot

Handing out the inaugural Simian awards 

The Defiant Development Team

One of the first Simian awards at Defiant Development 2011. The finest home-made trophies from cork, pipe-cleaners, toothpicks, red felt and foam that money can't buy. Perhaps I am a craft-mum after all?

14 August, 2011

Boy and his cat

Gully had his vaccinations and was pretty quiet on Thursday. Luckily our pusscat Endymion was on hand to help with extra snuggles.

11 August, 2011

Mum and dad

It's no mystery where Gully got his looks!

Gullys first opera

When I grew up there was always a piano in the house. We don't have enough room for a piano in our apartment, but we are able to hire a keyboard so that Gully has something really fun to interact with. The Casio is so much more interesting than baby toys! We just have to keep the drool out of the keys. ;)

Every day Gully tries out new things on the keyboard. I wish I could video each time he does something remarkable. For example, this morning he was pressing a single note repeatedly with such careful deliberation, it was hard not to think he would start playing a song. He often changes the rhythms and instruments as he plonks away. Anyway, this video's especially for Grandma-GXC, who brought music into my brother and my lives from the beginning.

06 August, 2011