What's in a name?

Gulliver stems from the protagonist 'Gully Foyle' from Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination. Xerxes is in honour of the Persian king 486 to 465 BC. Conroy is Morgan's maternal grandfather's surname.

01 May, 2011

9 kg at 4 months

Here's our boy at 9kg @ 4 months wholly breastfed (with a few tastes of pear, etc...). He's now the average size of a 8.5 month old baby, yet mumma still needs to fulfil all his calorific needs! Happy little camper.

His right foot is called Feetzroy and his left foot is called Foot-escray. Gully's papa is so clever!

Super thanks to Auntie Julie for the groovy t-shirt and skinny jeans! My hipster baby. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! He does really looks like a 9 month baby! And so awake and smiley.....
    He is a super cute little pie Kate and Morgs!!!
    Cheers from LA land....
    Mariana, Nick and the kitties =)
