What's in a name?

Gulliver stems from the protagonist 'Gully Foyle' from Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination. Xerxes is in honour of the Persian king 486 to 465 BC. Conroy is Morgan's maternal grandfather's surname.

01 September, 2011

Swimming in Spring

First day of spring today! So, Gully and I headed to the Newmarket pool for a dip.

I have no pics in the pool itself as I was by myself. But, Gully had a wonderful time in the water on a 'lillypad', chasing a big ball and exploring plastic lane markers. The sunny day and grass to explore didn't hinder the goodness either. :)

After the pool, I popped Gully in the Ergo with bathers and sarong and we went off train-hunting behind the pool complex. 

Train hunting is like train spotting, but involves hiking parallel to the line rather than sitting.

On the way we found Jasmine

We saw two trains roar past just as we got back to the car. Yay! 

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